Finals are approaching, and they are approaching fast. Nearly all of Mountain View High is feeling the pressure in some way or another. Tensions are rising and people are rushing to calculate the lowest grade they can get to maintain their current grade. As finals come closer and closer I’m sure we are all going to be angry, some of us irate.
No, not because we will have to cram for multiple massive cumulative tests in the span of 3 days, or because of the countless projects that teachers are unnecessarily throwing our way, or the bags that form under our eyes due to lack of sleep. It is for the simple reason that school will soon end and summer will begin. There will be no more 4 am nights filled with mountain dew and goldfish, no more sprinting out the door, toast in hand, and keys in the other, no more dropping a letter grade because your teacher won’t excuse you one time for leaving your homework on your printer, but most of all, no more meaningless busywork. What will we do without artfully designed paper collages, presentations that we will undoubtedly forget in one month, and worksheets that teach us absolutely nothing? If I’ve learned anything in school, it’s that efficiency is a non-issue. This is something I will carry with me forever. But with school ending, so are these valuable life lessons.
Oh, how I dread the prospect of summer. Oh, how I will be lost. How will I keep track of how many times I’m allowed to go to the bathroom without a bathroom log? I certainly doubt that my mom will scold me for using Purell too many times. How will I know when my hands are clean enough? When do I stop? Do I use 1 squirt or 3? Will my dad be angry if I walk in 30 seconds late to dinner, disrupting the environment he has worked so diligently to create? I can only hope that he will keep track of these atrocities and then warn me by mail that I am getting dangerously close to surpassing the limit. There will be no order in my life, no code. The freedom is already hurting my brain.
Thinking about what summer brings is far worse than thinking about what we are losing by leaving school. I tremble at the thought of the pain that will come with deciding what to do with my day every morning. How will my brain handle the flexibility? Rumor has it that in summer, there is free time where people can do anything they want. I always thought free time was that sliver of time between 10 and 10:30, right after ushap, when I enjoy a big bowl of Rice Krispies. Apparently I have been misled and mistaken. I can choose between going to the beach, sleeping in, or even just watching Sports Center all morning. I will finally be able to watch the TV shows I enjoy, and I’ve even been told that I may have time to talk with my brother. Worst of all, I might even have the time to find a hobby that I love. This summer I could potentially read a book that I am interested in, purely for my benefit. How can these atrocities be allowed?
I have sat around too long as people just allow the abomination that is summer to exist in this world. It allows relaxation, and a time of stress free fun, the thought of which is too much for me to handle. I can assure all of you, that when the time comes, I will run for office and I will abolish summer for good.