Auxiliary Gym opens, Student Services Building in construction

Photo by Katie Tsang.

The Auxiliary Gym officially opened in January after more than six months of construction. 

Over the next few months, Physical Education classes and after school sports practices will begin taking place in the new gym, according to Assistant Principal Daniella Quiñones. MVLA Associate Superintendent of Business Services Mike Mathiesen said the new gym will allow for more flexibility when scheduling practices, as sports practices often overlap. 

The gym was built with two full-sized basketball courts that are able to be separated with a net that rolls down the middle, Mathiesen said.

Photo by Katie Tsang.

This net allows multiple groups to share the new space. Mathiesen said the gym can also be used by performing arts groups. He said the main motivation for building the gym was to create space to support additional student activities like Winter Guard, Wrestling, and Volleyball.

Quiñones said the Student Services Building, located near the Staff Parking Lot and currently in construction, is expected to be completed by the end of the school year. 

The Student Services Building is meant to support new offices for school administration, academic counselors, and therapists, rather than just new classrooms, Quiñones said.

“It will have a brand new food court, an ASB classroom, new kitchen for food services and a new finance office, along with three beautiful classrooms upstairs,” Quiñones said.

The portables will still be in use next school year and won’t be removed until the next phases of construction are completed, Quiñones said. Mathiesen said that furniture and a small area where students can sit in groups will also be added to the gym.

“We’re just really excited to continue to expand our campus and open up new beautiful buildings that can serve our students and our community,” Quiñones said.