Two Door Cinema Club, an all-guy trio, was formed in 2007. Since then, the band (TDCC) has successfully released two full-length albums: Tourist History (2010) and Beacon (2012). Both are chock full of great tunes, positive messages and fabulous lyrics.
A few of the most popular songs of Tourist History are “What You Know” and “Something Good Can Work”. The former is an especially excellent representation of the Alternative/Indie genre as a whole. Specifically, I marvel at the simplicity and truth of this line:
“And I can tell just what you want
You don’t want to be alone”
Some people argue that Pop music is nice because it is relatable and catchy, and TDCC’s music is just that — catchy and relatable for all age groups. Plus, the band gets props for actually writing its own music and playing its own instruments — attributes many pop artists have yet to achieve. Yes, One Direction, you guys are cute, but there is no way I can take you seriously until you stop jumping around onstage and pick up some guitars.
Another great thing about TDCC is the fact that they radiate positivity rather than ranting about failed high school relationships (Taylor Swift) or ‘hoes in da club’ (all rap). For example, in Something Good Can Work, the idea is presented that by taking some initiative to get things done, one can achieve pretty much anything:
“Let’s make this happen, girl
You gotta show the world that something good can work
And it can work for you
And you know that it willLet’s get this started girl
We’re moving up, we’re moving up
It’s been a lot to change
But you will always get what you want”
If we fast forward two years to the release of Beacon, we will find similar patterns. “Sun”, the most popular song of this album, describes a long distance relationship that, though difficult to maintain, is well worthwhile. Meanwhile, “Next Year” hits me right in the heart every time. One great lyric is:
“If you think of me, I will think of you.” Even more beautiful simplicity.
So, kids, remember this: Alternative music isn’t always shrouded in clouds and found in underground clubs. Sometimes it is just as pure and fresh as a dryer sheet. I will leave you this image, take what you may and enjoy the unorthodoxy.
reader52 • Mar 7, 2013 at 8:51 am
good job Emily