The Student News Site of Mountain View High School




Letter to the MVLAUSD administration

The Oracle calls upon the administration to foster a new era of transparency and collaboration

This article was originally published in an Oracle print issue in May of 2024.

Dear administration of the MVLAUSD,

Max Teleki

With the recent appointment of the new MVLA Union School District superintendent, Eric Volta, The Oracle would like to outline a few of the most important qualities our community hopes you will exemplify and a few issues we hope you will address. 

To find out what core tenets compose our district’s spirit, we’ve asked members of our community, including the PTSA, current administrators, and ASB students. 

The Oracle Editorial Board has a history of advocating for underrepresented groups and creating positive change. Past examples include advocating to improve transportation for ELD students, advocating against Mountain View RV bans, and administrative action surrounding censorship and our publication. As a student-run publication, we care deeply about the wellbeing of our community and have always sought to inform the community about important issues. 

Communication & Collaboration 

We ask that you communicate transparently and work to collaborate with community members in order to resolve issues that may naturally arise. We believe the best decisions are made when they are thoroughly discussed and involve the people who the decisions will affect.

Considering recent changes to important programs on campus such as ASB, Ambassadors, The Oracle, and the Drama department, in which students and staff members were not part of the decision-making process, we strongly urge for transparency to be an immediate priority

We believe one of the most important characteristics of a good leader is the ability to keep an open mind and actively listen in order to really understand the needs of the community. This means being approachable and making an effort to create dialogue between different groups in the community in order to develop a deeper understanding of all perspectives.


As we enter a new era for the MVLA district, we hope you keep an open mind and are supportive of new ideas. This includes—but is not limited to—an increasing focus on the mental health of our students, the inclusion of new technological advances such as Artificial Intelligence, and overall evolution of our school.


According to the California Department of Education’s Data Reporting Office in 2022, MVLA’s students are around 37% Caucasian, 26% Latino, 28% Asian, and many who identify with multiple ethnicities. With the diversity of our school district, we ask that you reach out to and find ways to support our underrepresented communities, as well as promote an inclusive space for all students and community members. This includes recognizing the Latino Parent Outreach organization and working to resolve issues brought up by the organization to further support our Latino and ELD students. 


Lastly, we hope the district administrators showcases humility. We expect that they understand the power of their position and how they can utilize that power to help the community, while also embracing that there is still room for growth. This means owning up to mistakes and miscommunications, as well as being open to feedback and alternative plans that other members of the community present.

Above all else, we hope you keep the student’s best interests in mind. As the student press, we are excited to work with the new members of our district and to cover upcoming changes and events within the MVLAUSD, while continuing to uphold our present standard of excellence.


The Oracle

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About the Contributor
Max Teleki, Print Sports Editor
Max is a junior and serves as the Print Sports Editor for the Oracle. Outside of school he enjoys basketball and listening to music.
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