The school board unanimously approved the appointment of Michael Jimenez for the position of principal during a June 15 board meeting. Jimenez will be replacing current principal David Grissom who will assume the position of California Central Coast Section Commissioner.
Jimenez has previously worked with Superintendent Nellie Meyer at the Mt. Diablo Unified School District where he was Associate Superintendent of Secondary Schools.
Born and raised in Oxnard, California, Jimenez attended San Diego State University where he studied Physical Education, and Point Loma Nazarene University where he student Educational Leadership.
“I come in mid-pandemic, and yes, while it means I may not have the opportunity to get to know students, staff, families, and the community in a way a new principal would typically do so, I am definitely planning to reach out to all of these stakeholders early on, and often, as I start building relationships,” said Jimenez. “I look forward to getting to know everyone, and hearing from students.”
Jimenez begins July 1.
All the information in this article comes courtesy of the district’s communications team.