Assistant Principal, William Blair has taken a new position as wellness coordinator in hopes of benefiting the district.
According to Blair, he describes his new position as a huge umbrella for all the opportunities he could do to affect the school. He feels that there are so many categories under wellness, that anything to benefit the students could fall into it.
“It’s my soul. I care about young people and getting people to thrive, and I want young people to be empowered to be who they want to be. I want them to feel loved,” Blair said. “I want them to feel validated for who they are and I want people to feel like they have space, not only to me, but to actually flourish, thrive and grow.”

Currently, Blair describes his job as a “listening tour.”
“I think that there’s no greater way to honor somebody than to listen to them… there’s no greater way than to listen. I think people need to feel heard they feel understood they have to be seen,” Blair said.
Blair said he finds it very important to allow students to have a space where they talk and feel appreciated. He wants students to understand that they can make mistakes while continuing to be supported. He wants to make sure that the school can be a safe place to go to instead of their home, or somewhere else. Blair wants to be able to bring that idea to a wider scale as wellness coordinator.
Blair said he works with outside agencies to benefit the district. Currently, he is working with Santa Clara County Behavioral Health, Healthier Kids Foundation, and Children’s Health council.
According to Blair, he has also faced challenges with his new position. He says that his biggest challenge has been holding himself back.
It’s my soul. I care about young people and getting people to thrive.
“I thrive in this and so it’s almost like what’s, you know, what’s the most pressing,” Blair said.
He feels that there are so many categories under wellness that he wants to address them all, but he has to make the best decision on what is the top priority.
“So one of the things that I think one of my top priorities is kind of working with district admin and looking at, what are we going to do for social-emotional learning,” Blair said. “What’s the plan.”