Construction on campus began in February of this year, kickstarting the implementation of Measure E, a $295,000,000 bond measure passed by the state to improve quality of education by creating more classrooms and supportive facilities.
Advancement in the construction was delayed by a few days due to the rainy weather affecting the school, but presently is on track for the summer, according to Associate Superintendent Mike Mathieson.
As of May, work has been done to clear the grass from the area that will be the new Portables wing, laying the ground of this area with pads to serve as the portable classroom’s foundation, and building the new portables to be available to teachers by the beginning of summer. These rooms will be identified as P1 to P11.
In the week of June 17, teachers currently in portables in the 500 wing will be relocated to the P wing in order to settle in for the 2019-20 year.
The current portables are set to be demolished, with the exception of rooms 525, 526, and 527, which will be moved to be a part of the P wing as well.
To begin construction in the plans for the 500 wing, the school has to gain the approval of the state.
As students come back from summer, site work in the 500 portable’s area will be in progress in preparation for the state’s approval. This includes the digging, leveling, and arrival of site work materials.