Every fall the Associated Student Body hosts a canned food drive where students and teachers can bring cans of food from home and donate them in bins located in classrooms. This year’s drive started on Oct. 29 and ended on Nov. 9t with a total of over 600 collected cans.
According to ASB member Jennifer Huan who helped coordinate the drive, participation was “amazing.” “These numbers were roughly the same as last year’s, Huan said. “[Room] 208 collected 80 cans, and Ms. Camarillo’s classroom collected 50 items.”
ASB donated all the items to the Second Harvest Food Bank, who distributed the food to local families in need.
It took ASB about a month and a half to prepare for the food drive, set up all the bins, hang up posters, and distribute the bins to classrooms.
When the school is not hosting the food drive, Huan recommends continuing to help the local community by donating money to the Second Harvest Food Bank or to the recent Camp Fire in Butte County through the Red Cross. “I think the money or supplies need to get to the people [in need] immediately,” Huan said.
*Image courtesy of Jennifer Huan