After 17 successful years as the Tutorial Center Coordinator at MVHS, George St. Clair will retire at the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
“It’s time,” St. Clair said. “Everyone has to retire sometime, and I want to retire on a high note.”
St. Clair has been an educator for the past 45 years, starting out as a volunteer science teacher for the Peace Corps in both Samoa and Fiji.
“I’ve always considered myself a teacher, even though my [current] title may be different,” St. Clair said. “I may not be a classroom teacher since I took this job [at MVHS], but I am always helping others to succeed.”
Despite having many wonderful years as a biology teacher, St. Clair states that he greatly prefers his role as the Tutorial Center Coordinator.
“Teaching can be very draining and tiring by the end of the day,” St. Clair said. “I really like to have my evenings and weekends free, and not grading tests or papers, or planning a lesson for the next day.”
In addition, St. Clair enjoys the constant activity in the Tutorial Center, and he loves the interaction with a variety of people throughout the day. Each day, he sees different students, teachers, volunteer tutors, peer tutors, counselors, and other faculty members.
“My job is like being a conductor, because I’m constantly meeting needs, and I never know what they’re going to be,” St. Clair said. “All these things that I have to keep track of during the school day, and I love it.”
For St. Clair, It is important to retire knowing that he has had an impact on students throughout his time at MVHS.
“This job has given me meaning and purpose,” St Clair said. “I found my niche as an educator. It started with teaching, both overseas and in the country, and then it culminated in my current position.”
St. Clair describes himself as a “searcher of truth and knowledge.” For him, this applies beyond the walls of the Tutorial Center.
In retirement, St. Clair looks forward to having more free time, and being able to do things and go places whenever he likes.
Due to his love for nature and exploration, St. Clair also has a passion for travelling.
“I think I am going to spend more time outside of the United States, visiting friends and former colleagues,” St. Clair said. “I want to visit Australia, New Zealand, England, Ireland, Spain and Italy”
Above all, St. Clair has thoroughly enjoyed being the Tutorial Center Coordinator, and he thanks all students and staff for making his time at MVHS memorable.
“I have been very happy in my work and I consider myself very fortunate,” St. Clair said. “I am very grateful for this opportunity.”
George St Clair as a Peace Corps volunteer teacher in Samoa (1974), with two of his students Timoteo and Fuamai.
Steve Balas • May 12, 2017 at 12:20 am
Bravo George! Thank you for welcoming students and tutors over more than 3000 days…
You kept saying: “Do not hesitate to ask for help!”. Volunteering as a native French tutor in your tutorial center was a blast! You and the two native French teachers at MVHS Mrs. Gres and Mrs. Thuillier certainly inspired me and I became a full time French teacher at Basis Independent Silicon Valley!
À bientôt ! Amicalement,
George • May 12, 2017 at 10:50 am
It’s been all the amazing students and volunteers (like you!) who have made my work so pleasurable…merci beaucoups!
MVLA HS Foundation • May 11, 2017 at 9:32 pm
Thank you to Mr St Clair for always making the MVHS Tutorial Center a welcoming place for both students and volunteers!
George • May 12, 2017 at 10:58 am
The Tutorial Center programs are just one example of many programs made possible at MVHS & LAHS for many years–and only through the generosity of the MVLA community and the MVLA Education Foundation. As a result, countless students and staff have benefitted from– and are grateful for your support!
George St Clair • May 11, 2017 at 2:26 pm
I appreciated the opportunity of your interview and I very much enjoyed reading your article, which I found most interesting. However, I can only give you an ‘A-‘ for accuracy… because the ‘beloved’ part in your title is patently false! Otherwise, you have a promising career in journalism–or as my ghost writer, if you wish
All the best,
Karen Bowers • May 11, 2017 at 1:58 pm
Great feature! Thank you.